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Fricks continues to improve upon, an exceptional safety program.

Safety is First Priority

FRICKS has always understood the importance of a safe working environment and a strong safety program. To be the absolute best in the industrial concrete floor business also means being the safest. FRICKS has developed, and continues to improve upon, an exceptional safety program and culture enabling us to achieve our goals.

We perform regular safety inspections. All of FRICKS' onsite supervisors are OSHA-trained in safety as well.

FRICKS' ongoing safety program:

• Safety begins with owner and management involvement since an effective and organized Safety Program rests in the hands of the workers being properly trained.

• A Safety Program involves:

a) Safety Orientation for all new employees using video training aids in both English and Spanish

b) Job start-up and weekly tool box Safety Meetings

c) Accident prevention through training and analysis

d) Continuing Education and training for field supervisors and workers

e) OSHA-Training for ALL superintendents and foreman

f) CPR and First Aid training for ALL superintendents and foreman

• A Safety Incentive Program rewards employees for achieving company safety goals

• A Safety Inspection and Reporting System that holds employees accountable

• A Low Experience Modification Rate (EMR) is a testament to our commitment to safety


Recognized for Safety Excellence

FRICKS has been recognized for their high safety standards. See our “Awards” section to see how FRICKS is exceeding exceptional safety standards

Safety Awards

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Safety Award for Safety Improvement

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Zero Lost Time Accident Achievement Award

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Safety Award Certificate of Recognition

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Safety Award Certificate of Recognition

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Safety Award for Safety Improvement

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Safety Award Certificate of Recognition

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Best Safety Achievement Award for a Specialty Contractor with 100,000 to 250,000 Work Hours

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Zero Lost Time Accident Achievement Award

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - Safety Improvement Award for Reducing the Rate of Lost Workday

American Society Of Concrete Contractors - American Society Illnesses Below the Average for Contractors Nationwide