From the onset of a project, Fricks partners with clients to design their warehouses from the inside out. The first decision on how maximizing storage capacity will directly impact building size, construction costs, and future profitability. We strive to be a long-term partner with clients - a training arm, ongoing maintenance team, problem-solving team, to support our clients in their ongoing quest for efficiency. We work closely with you from design, pre-construction, installation, and support to ensure your efficiency requirements are met and exceeded.
The Industries
Fricks serves the following industries with innovative mobile rack solutions. Cold Storage; Warehouseing; Food & Beverage; Distribution; Healthcare; Technology; Manufacturing; and more.
The Benefits:
By eliminating aisle space and converting it to revenue-generating storage capacity, more pallets are stored in a smaller building footprint. A racking superstructure is installed to powered moving bases. Systems are equipped with multiple safety mechanisms and state-of-the-art communication tools. The innovative lateral movement replaces multiple conventional, static, open aisles with one moving access aisle. The elimination of wasted, valuable warehouse space increases storage capacity by up to 80% without sacrificing accessibility or operational efficiency.
- By using efficently-designed mobile rack solutions, your facility requires less land, less energy costs and less labor - 32% Less Square Footage for the same efficiency.
- Optimizing facilities with mobile rack design enables more pallet positions that drive revenue and reduce costs - 48% More Storage Capacity.
- Approximately $7.5 MM is saved in construction costs (106,000 Sq. Ft. example facility) when factoring build, storage solution and overall project costs - Saving 16% Less Construction Costs.
The challenges are real – land is scarce, building and energy costs are escalating, and labor is difficult to attract and retain. The market is moving toward modern warehouse design and time-tested automation that delivers the business outcomes every organization is seeking – increased revenue and decreased costs.