The FPS ASRS Precision Slab is the ideal solution for Automatic Storage Retrieval System facilities. It's tough surface and rebar-reinforced slab provides unmatched performance for ASRS facilities. Fricks builds the FPS ASRS Precision Slab floors better than any other with thicker concrete and double rebar reinforcement throughout the concrete slab. In addition, Fricks takes great care to position the rebar as to avoid interference from rack mounting. Its this attention to detail that makes Fricks the very best.
FPS ASRS Precision Slab floors are constructed in strips to ensure a high degree of flatness is achieved. Great care and consideration is given to optimize the local materials to obtain the best possible concrete mix design with emphasis on finishability and Durability. Fricks pays great attention to detail with the placement of the rebar reinforcing steel. Concrete is placed at a low slump with a low water cement ratio to reduce shrinkage and ensure life long flatness. The initial strike-off is performed with a truss screed. The next critical step is to float the slab with a power trowel and cross rod to obtain the high flatness requirements of a flat floor. Proper timing and direction of the trowel machine patterns produce a dense burnished-steel trowel finish that is flat, light reflective and extremely Durable and Abrasion Resistant.
The FPS ASRS Precision Slab floors are contructed to the highest specification standards required for an Automated Storage & Retrieval System. Fricks works together with the ASRS rack supplier and the project engineer to provide the precision required in construction of a concrete slab for an ASRS facility.